On Sept. 9th 2023, classes 8a and 8c, together with Prof. Freihammer, Prof. Peier and Prof. Maestro set off for a language course in York.
Apart from the English lessons every morning, the students could prove their language skills by talking to passers by in the city centre while doing their selfie challenge. As Yorkshire people are very friendly, it was not too difficult to get in touch with them. Of course, having a chat with the host family was also a good opportunity to practise their English. All the host families were so kind and friendly that some of the students felt sorry when they had to leave after a week.
On Sunday we had a day trip to the east coast of North England. After a stop in lovely Goathland, watching a steam engine passing through the station, we reached Whitby, a lively, small city at the North Sea (some of the brave ones even went swimming). This was the first time we could do some shopping – and many more opportunities followed.
The afternoons in York were filled with visits at the Castle Museum, the York Dungeon and the National Railway Museum, with a guided tour through the city (including a walk on the city walls) and the selfie challenge. On Thursday evening we heard about York’s scary past on the Ghost Walk.
After a week we went home again – full of new impressions and with improved language skills.