Our class 4A went on a trip to London from April 12th to April 19th with our English teacher Ms Pilz and our PE teacher Mr Linhart.
The journey to London was wonderful and a great experience. We had a lot of fun and improved our English. Because of the perfect organisation we could enjoy the trip from the very first beginning.
Our host families were all very hospitable and nice. Some of us didn’t like the English food, because it doesn’t include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. It’s also fattening and unhealthy. Thus we often went for a meal together somewhere in London.
During the week, we had to go to school where we had three school lessons. These lessons weren’t boring at all. Our teachers were very nice and friendly and they had a lot of patience with us. We learned some interesting new things and laughed nearly all the time. At the end we all got a certificate.
After school we visited all the famous sights in London, like London Eye, the Tower of London, Madame Tussauds, London Dungeon and Buckingham Palace.
At the weekend we had more time for sightseeing and we enjoyed shopping in Oxford Street, relaxing in Hyde Park or walking through Camden Town street market, which offers so many different and special things to buy. This gave us a good impression of multicultural life in London.
Surprisingly our class got on very well. We had the feeling that everybody liked everybody and even the outsiders were part of the group. We were a big team and had a lot of fun.
The journey was a great experience and most of us will certainly visit this exciting city again.
Hanna Schöberl, 4A