4a, 4b und 4e experience sporty days in the south of England

May 22nd was a long and exciting day for us: the students of classes 4a, 4b, 4e and for their teachers Prof. Führer, Prof. Morawek, Prof. Frast and Prof. Freihammer. At 5:15 p.m. Austrian Airlines flight OS 455 took off, heading for London Heathrow. There we were welcomed by Vince, the manager of “English for you” our language school, located in the heart of Hastings. At about 11 p.m. we met our host families and afterwards had a good night’s sleep.

The next days were filled with lessons in the mornings and interesting, funny and exhausting excursions in the afternoon. On our first day we joined a tour through Hastings, to get to know our “home” for the next week and apart from spending one day in London, taking in the atmosphere of this great city, we went to Winchelsea and Rye and did a hike in Hastings Country Park, getting wonderful views of the sea. After a walk to St. Leonards-on-Sea we enjoyed the afternoon at the beach, relaxing in the sun and playing games.

The last day in England was at least as long and exciting as the first: lessons at school, lunch break, transfer to Heathrow, flight home – where we arrived on Thursday, May 30th, 0:30 a.m. – very tired, but with a lot of new impressions, experiences and improved English skills.